Do you have a good feeling for all things relationship? Do you know how to detect a person’s strengths and weaknesses? Do you think you know the key points of a job interview to make a good first impression and the mistakes the candidate should not make? Are you familiar with the structure of a CV and can you easily distinguish a good application from a bad one? Why not create your own recruiting firm? All the essential conditions are on your side. Here are our 5 tips for setting up your recruitment agency. Now there you can have the best choice now.
- Build up a well-filled address book.
Before embarking on the adventure of creating a recruiting firm, it is essential to have a solid base with loyal clients. A completed address book will be essential in order to develop your network as much as possible. It is not uncommon to start your practice with the main client… the company for which you were already recruiting. It is also essential to give yourself an image of seriousness. As soon as you launch, think about the essential elements of your communication with your customers: a website, business cards and desks to welcome candidates.
- Beware of the high costs to retrieve profiles and CVs.
A headhunter’s daily bread is fresh applications and resumes. Do not overlook the difficulties and costs of collecting them. The main budget of a recruiting firm is often allocated to recruiting sites. Therefore, you will need a certain budget to collect CVs.
To reduce this type of cost as much as possible, a certain number of sites are of course free. To submit an offer, there is of course the site, the PoleEmploy site or Vivastreet, Boostyourjob, Findemploi or Travail-Emploi. These sites allow you to submit job offers for free on the one hand and to receive a report describing the main characteristics of each candidate.
- A guarantee of professionalism: certification.
If obtaining a certification is not absolute proof of the qualification of the recruitment firm, it is at least the assurance of a certain seriousness.Even if few firms are certified today, our society of suspicious nature is however crazy about labels and certifications. Recruitment firms will certainly have to take this into account in the future.
It is important to know that there are three types of certification for recruitment firms:
NF Services: certificate of conformity with an
ISO 9001 service standard: certificate of conformity with an
OPQCM quality standard: recognition of professionalism by a professional body
For further information on the different types of certifications, click here.
- Do not be afraid of administrative procedures.
It is not complicated to set up your recruiting firm, just consider a few simple administrative steps. As a first step, you must develop your business plan which consists of three key elements, namely the calculation of the initial investment and the mode of financing, the forecast of the result for the near future (over three years) and the” assessment of turnover taking fixed charges, taxes and duties into account.
- After judging the feasibility of your project through your business plan, you choose the legal status of your company.
Then, you make a declaration at the clerk of the commercial court within the jurisdiction of your head office. You will therefore need several documents such as a lease in order to register in the commercial register. You will then have your registration and can practice. It is also possible to start with a self-employed status first. This is interesting for its flexibility, but you will quickly find its limits: turnover ceiling, low social protection, non-recovery of VAT, etc.