Many people don’t consider auto insurance coverage and all the rules that apply to it until they need it. To make the best decisions about purchasing the types of auto insurance coverage you might need, you’ll want to understand what’s covered, what’s not covered and what’s optional.
To learn more, contact your auto accident lawyer in Antelope Valley. Until then, here is a basic guide to understanding your auto insurance coverage.
What auto insurance is
Everyone thinks about auto insurance when they see a car accident, but the definition of auto insurance is a little more complicated. The term is used to describe any insurance coverage you need if you drive.
Car insurance is in place to protect the person who has the car and also to cover damages if you have an accident. Auto insurance policies cover things like getting in an accident or being involved in a collision. This coverage can also include accident benefits. The benefits cover costs of medical bills, lost time at work and replacing property if you are in an accident. Insurance companies negotiate prices for car insurance, so the price of coverage for the level of coverage you need will vary.
The different types of auto insurance coverage
According to the Insurance Information Institute, there are many types of auto insurance coverage:
Standard Coverage
In general, standard coverage will usually cover accidents that happen in your state. Your car should also be registered in your state, as well. Other benefits include liability protection and temporary personal property coverage.
Comprehensive Coverage
Comprehensive coverage includes physical damages and temporary personal property coverage. This coverage typically covers repairs and expenses to fix or replace the vehicle. It will also cover injuries that occur while the accident occurs. Collision Coverage Collision coverage will generally cover physical damages to the car that occur in an accident.
Coverages That are Mandatory
Nearly every state requires car owners to carry the following auto liability insurance:
If you get into an accident while driving, your bodily injury liability coverage will help pay for damage to the other party’s vehicle, medical expenses and lost wages if you are injured or killed.
Property Damage Liability will help you cover expenses related to property damage that you or another driver operating your car causes to another vehicle or other property, such as a fence, building or utilities.
Many states also require that you carry the following coverage:
Medical Payments or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) — Provides reimbursement for medical expenses for injuries to you or your passengers.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage – helps protect you from financial losses in the event of a collision caused by an uninsured motorist.
Coverages that are Optional or Non-mandatory
Some things that insurance companies don’t have to provide aren’t considered mandatory and not a part of any kind of coverage.
The most common optional coverages are:
- Collision – reimburses you for the damage to your car that happens as a result of a collision with another vehicle or object and helps you get back on the road as soon as possible
- Comprehensive — provides coverage against theft and damage caused by an incident other than a collision, such as fire, flood, vandalism, hail, falling rocks or trees and other hazards. after the accident.
- Glass Coverage — Windshield damage is common, and some auto policies include no-deductible glass coverage, which also includes side windows, rear windows and glass sunroofs.
If you have been in an accident and failed to have proper coverage, you need to contact an auto accident lawyer in Antelope Valley.