Alternatives in approaches to work are starting to become much more common with a major shift towards remote working has taken place over the past year in particular, but also as working opportunities through many different online spaces have started to change – these new opportunities have meant a growing number of people can explore options in working such as location independence, which gives greater opportunities to travel whilst working. This has been particularly impactful in certain regions as guides can be found on how to make the change such as this ko pha ngan guide available at for those looking to explore countries such as Thailand, but what’s most important to know about making this change?
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A growing variety of visas – The first thing to ensure you choose correctly is within the growing number of visa types on offer – this past year has seen the rise in many countries offering different visas directly targeted towards those looking to work remotely, being offered at different pricing points or for different periods of time. It’s important when looking at visa options to ensure you’re choosing correctly, as you don’t want to be caught out with a visa not entirely intended for working. There’s a growing list that fit in this category, so be sure to check out the requirements for each country individually and see if it may be a possibility for you.
The type of business is important too – Some countries may be a bit more stringent on your earnings or your business type and is certainly something you should double check too. The restrictions on type of work may only be important if you work in a space that may be less desirable given the growing number of online profession options, but there are certainly more mainstream working options that fit into this category too. It will again rely on you reading through all of the requirements for a visa requested for a certain country, as you wouldn’t want to go through all the hard work of filling out the required forms just to hear back that your profession isn’t welcome in your would-be home.
Do plenty of research into costs – Many countries will have basic requirements to meet on how much you earn – whether this be monthly income or how much you have in the bank, largely to ensure that you can live in the country comfortably without issue. But there can often be hidden costs that come with a move too, and unless you explore what people on the ground say first-hand you may be caught out, and as such once again plenty of research is needed to ensure that you can not only live comfortably but have enough to upkeep the costs of renewing visas and continuing your work.
Whilst an exciting opportunity, it’s certainly a tough transition to make, so be sure to have all your eggs lined up before taking the step forward to give yourself the best possible experience possible whilst exploring your opportunities for location independent work!