Beyond the professional equipment which of course would not be sufficient on its own (professional camera, wide-angle lenses, tripod, flashes, etc.), the real estate photographer, in addition to his experienced gaze, has many skills essential for taking pictures of quality (choice of shooting angle, great image sharpness from foreground to last, management of high and low lights, management of differences in color temperature and light intensity, successions of shots, etc.).
What Type of Property is Being Sold?
When it comes to selling real estate online, the first few seconds of a visit from a potential buyer are crucial – important first impressions are being formed. Thus, high quality photos taken by a real estate photographer can attract and seduce an increased number of visitors. In addition, a quality photo report helps you sell your property faster and in better conditions. A visit to VIA Media’s interior photography services page at will shed light on the best practices and prices.
The competition is becoming so important today that standing out with professional photos becomes essential to successfully sell your house or apartment. According to statistics, potential buyers of real estate spend more than 60% of their online visit looking at photos, more than 80% of people answered that the photograph is for them the most important element in a real estate ad.
- In a competitive market like real estate, every advantage must be exploited. When you want to sell or rent a property, you should not neglect the first contact with the customer. The latter is done, nowadays, mostly on online real estate sites.
- It is therefore even more important to promote the photos of your accommodation as well as possible. The photographs are the best way to get an overall idea of the architecture and the quality of your home or apartment.
- To do this, there are professional real estate photographers, who know how to exploit and enhance your property.
The Benefits of Professional Real Estate Photography
Before choosing your photographer, it is important to understand why it is better to hire a professional. Real estate, like many other sectors of photography, has photographers who have received specialized training.
Their know-how, like their equipment, is adapted to the real estate industry. Even if today smartphones have a camera with the HDR option, nothing can replace know-how. A good knowledge of the play of light and the right camera lenses is essential to bring out the beauty and architecture of a room.
A photo taken by a professional will add grandeur and brightness to a room. The latter makes it possible to obtain even more traffic on your ad and thus increase its sales force tenfold.
Retouching and Editing
Mastery of retouching is also an essential element to enhance an interior photo. Very often, only real estate photographers have the skills necessary for its successful completion.
Each photo in your report is thus carefully retouched and everything is done during the retouching to create a soft and pleasant atmosphere. The lighting becomes homogeneous throughout the photo and the image offers a high-end rendering.
Act Now and Promote your Business!
Do not wait and call now a professional real estate photographer trained in shooting techniques specific to this expertise and equipped with high-end equipment to enhance and enhance your spaces (hotels, restaurants, real estate, shops, etc.).