Acupuncture treats the whole person, including their soul, body, and mind. The NIH and WHO both endorse acupuncture as a valid medical practice. Acupuncture involves inserting hair-thick, sterile needles into certain pressure points to activate the body’s endocannabinoid system. Acupuncture is the insertion of needles into strategic anatomical points to stimulate blood flow, break up blockages, and restore internal harmony. Certain holistic mental health therapy and addiction treatment programs make use of acupuncture. We’ll look at some of the benefits of acupuncture to addiction therapy.
Acupuncture and Addiction.
In the early 1970s, a Chinese doctor noticed acupuncture alleviated withdrawal symptoms for opiate addicts, and the practice has been employed ever since. Injecting needles into certain meridian points and manipulating them has shown promise for easing the physical and emotional distress associated with drug and alcohol withdrawal by regulating the stress hormone cortisol and the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Benefits of Acupuncture to Addiction Therapy.
Acupuncture has been used for many years to treat a number of health issues, including addiction. Addiction is a complicated and chronic condition that affects millions of individuals all over the globe. It is distinguished by obsessive drug-seeking behavior despite negative consequences, and it may result in a variety of medical, psychological, and social issues. Acupuncture has shown potential as a supplemental or alternative treatment method, despite the fact that there are many diverse approaches to addiction rehabilitation. In this blog, we will look at the benefits of acupuncture in addiction treatment.
As aforementioned, acupuncture is a holistic treatment in which tiny, sterilized needles are inserted into particular places on the body. These sites, known as acupoints, are thought to be linked to meridians or channels that convey energy, or qi, throughout the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, addiction is caused by an imbalance in the body’s energy flow, which acupuncture can assist in rectifying.
Acupuncture’s ability to diminish cravings and withdrawal symptoms is one of its key benefits in addiction rehabilitation. Cravings are a significant barrier to recovery since they may be severe and difficult to avoid. Withdrawal symptoms may sometimes be severe; if not addressed effectively, they can lead to recurrence. Acupuncture can help reduce these sensations by increasing the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Endorphins assist in alleviating anxiety, depression, and other unpleasant feelings that are often associated with addiction and withdrawal.
Acupuncture can also aid with enhancing sleep quality, which is essential for addiction recovery. Many addicts have sleep difficulties, such as insomnia or restless sleep. These sleep issues may make it difficult to function throughout the day and lead to a variety of health and psychological issues. Acupuncture can assist in enhancing relaxation and enhancing sleep quality, both of which can benefit general health and well-being.
Acupuncture can assist in treating the underlying reasons for addiction in addition to lowering cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Addiction is often associated with stress, trauma, and other emotional disorders. Acupuncture can assist in relieving stress and anxiety while enhancing emotional equilibrium, which can aid in treating these underlying disorders.
Another advantage of using acupuncture in addiction treatment is the minimal chance of negative effects. When conducted by a skilled practitioner, acupuncture is a non-invasive, drug-free, typically safe treatment. Acupuncture, unlike many drugs used in addiction treatment, does not have the potential for addiction or misuse. As a result, it is a safe and effective therapy option for persons suffering from addiction who want a natural, holistic approach to rehabilitation.
Mirvana Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs is The Best Chinese Traditional Medicine Clinic in Houston.
Mirvana Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs is a well-regarded Houston facility that offers complementary therapies for addiction and other conditions. To assist patients in overcoming addiction, our team of skilled acupuncturists and herbalists use a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other natural treatments. Mirvana offers a safe and successful alternative to standard addiction therapies by emphasizing holistic healing and customized care. Contact Mirvana Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs if you or someone you love is battling an addiction and would like to try alternative medicine.