At a recent SPECT Meeting, hadopi 2020 recommended securing independent production on internet. This meeting held on January 20, 2020 at SACEM was the 6th professional meeting of the Producers Creators of Audiovisual Programs. Hadopi participated in it and in the first round of the meeting titled ‘Audiovisual, what place for independent production?’ the President of Hadopi Denis Rapone reaffirmed that there is an immediate need for a more secure digital setting. This will ensure better and proper protection of works and the public, especially those works that involves independent production. This will not only protect the work from peer to peer piracy but also other forms of it.
The courses of action
Illegal practices can be dealt successfully with two courses of action that is recommended by the High Authority. These are included in the bill on audiovisual communication as well as the cultural sovereignty of digital age. Hadopi or The High Authority for the Distribution and Protection of Intellectual Property on the Internet have a better knowledge of the illegal sites on the internet that enables it to fight against piracy in a better way and more successfully. They have list of these illegal sites that make available to the general public. This list helps all internet users to check whether or not they are browsing an illegal site.
Empower the content sharing platforms
This type of identification will result in drying up the revenue of these illicit sites and services. It will help in mobilizing all of the intermediaries as well as facilitating the court decisions and ensure it is applied properly over time. there is another benefits of the torrent hadopi 2020. It will empower the different content sharing platforms as it will encourage, if not compel them to use approved and better works recognition tools following the European Copyright Directive.