Scientists are still debating whether depression or substance usage is the cause of the other. Many persons who battle with substance misuse also have mental health issues, making it even more difficult to manage their addiction. Untreated co-occurring disorders are one of the main causes of recurrence because seeking addiction treatment without first seeking treatment for any previous mental problems leaves too many stones untouched.
It is critical to seek therapy during the recovery processfor the triggers that lead to drug or alcohol abuse might resurface. People who suffer from mental illnesses may be more susceptible to triggers or have triggers that they aren’t even aware of. The difference between relapse and long-term sobriety can be determined by proper dual-diagnosis therapy.
The Relationship Between Depression and Addiction
Both depression and addiction problems have similar causes, and it can be difficult to tell which happened first in persons who suffer from both. It’s common knowledge that substance use disorders and depression symptoms exacerbate each other unless you get a combined diagnosis and treatment for depression and addiction.
Shame and guilt serve as triggers in the relationship between serious depression and substance abuse. Depression makes people feel guilty and ashamed because they aren’t living up to society’s standards. They don’t want to get out of bed or see friends, for example. These emotions amplify the desire to withdraw and drive sufferers deeper into depression.
Substance abuse disorders are the same way. People who use drugs and alcohol compulsively are frequently aware that they are harming themselves and would be better off not doing so. They are embarrassed and guilty about their inability to control their urges. The most efficient method to deal with these tough feelings for someone with a substance addiction issue appears to be to cover them up with drug usage.
Depression’s Symptoms
The following are some of the most prevalent symptoms of clinical depression, according to the National Institute of Mental Health:
- Negative emotions
- Persistent negative thoughts
- Lack of interest in hobbies
- Restlessness, irritability, and frustration
- Guilt, helplessness, and worthlessness
- Lack of energy
- Sleep disturbances
- Moving slower than usual
- Struggling to make decisions or concentrate
Breaking the Cycle of Addiction and Depression
Depression and substance abuse require specialized treatment from trained staff. When you work with a treatment provider that knows the relationship between co-occurring addiction and depression, you’ll have access to treatment approaches tailored to your problem.
Although preventing relapse in people with dual diagnoses is difficult, it is nevertheless possible to recover completely. Learning what causes you to abuse substances and how depression affects your life will take time and effort. You can, however, improve your situation by receiving psychoeducation and working hard to build new, healthy coping skills.
Addiction Depressive Symptoms and Drug Abuse Treatment
Substance use disorders and co-occurring depression are difficult mental health diseases to manage, and depression symptoms make drug and alcohol addiction even more difficult to manage. Our treatment team at Skyward Treatment Center provides drug addiction treatment as well as treatment for depressive symptoms to give you the best chance of long-term sobriety. To learn more, contact our online team.